Thursday, September 2, 2010


Perspective ..
Through google search.. 'perspective; came from a latin's word, call Perspicere,means see through.

An Object will become smaller as distance from the observer increases.. tat is perspective..

artificial perspective can divided into one-, two- and three-point.

One-point perspective

It consists of one vanishing point,which is typically used for roads, railway tracks, hallways, or buildings viewed so that the front is directly facing the viewer

Two-point perspective

It can be used to draw the same objects as one-point perspective, rotated: looking at the corner of a house for instance, One point represents one set of parallel lines, the other point represents the other..

Three-point perspective

In addition to the two vanishing points from before, one for each wall, there is now one for how those walls recede into the ground. This third vanishing point will be below the ground. Looking up at a tall building is another common example of the third vanishing point. This time the third vanishing point is high in space.

After the class, we were asked to draw a picture to show prespective...
lastly,was drawing human..although i m not gud in drawing human,
i will improve again...

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