Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Looking Back..

3rd July 2010..i took my step into USM Penang!
Time had passed so fast. It was 3 months time in USM.
I did learned and experienced a lot here.
Of cause, making new friends from different places is inevitable. Honestly speaking, you can't survive alone in university.Teamwork is required! Teamwork is emphasized in group assignments, or even individual assignments also..Without a lending hand from friends, is hard, exhausting and feel toilsome to work alone.
First day lecture, we had been teached what was intension, act, product,actors , place and principle. We need to apply this six elements in our daily lifes, no matter what we are doing.

The 1st thing i learned here was to create a blog.The purpose of the blog is to represent myself, not just only for the assigments, but also reveal my thinking,ideas, cogitation,and opinion about something.Through blog, we actually can learn from the mistakes in previous assignments, then develop and improve to do better in next assignment.Thus ,our first assignment was ' Me, My thought and I'.

So many assignments had been done until nw...
therefore, i will just highlight some of it.

First and foremost,
Geodesic Dome!
At first, i really think is impossible to do that because i never done this kind of craft before in my life. i fail for few times to get the base done.. Then, i start to think and figure out the problems... then through searching in internet..finally i hav a solution!
Sometimes, we just need to be patient , don't give up so easily...
anyway,although is not the best among others,I'm still proud of my work!


I find this is memorable as it is the first time i made my own precussion instrument.
Again, friendship is emphisized. Imaging how are you going to chop the bamboo alone? carrying the bamboo alone? recording the sound? taking photos? impossible...
Sometime just cant work alone...

Besides, making mask was another interesting assignment.

Is really difficult to do this alone especially to fix the shape by using the clay. So, helping each other is vital, not just can finish on time, but can build out a better relationship with friends.

Oh my...Gosh!! casket? why casket??

For chinese, talking about casket is something not good or bring us the bad luck. At that moment, i felt so weird to do this.What kind of assignment is this?is it related to architecture? not at all..Now, when i look back, it give me another kind of thinking.The main point is not the casket, is how i think about it.The lecturer actually want us to express our ideas and designs, no matter what , not just focus on building,but everything surrounded us, even a casket.

Merdeka theaterette :
This event was so meaningful and significant. Combination of ideas and opinions had made our group to be chosen and performed during merdeka event , held at Penang Time Square. I realise that is good to have discussion with group members as different people, got thier own individual and unique ideas. Besides, Cooperations,Contributions and efforts from everyone are so essential to succeed a task given.

I had done so many drawings for assignments.Through this drawing exercises, it really helps me to practise my drawing skill.Aside from this, we also been trained to finish our works in short duration. It will be very useful in future. There are so many thins i have to learn and explore myself.Life in university is different from secondary school. Right now, i should become more mature and independent. So many things are waiting for me to descover. Although architecture is not the course i want actually, now i can't change anything, i just learn to accept the fact. I acceot what had been given to me. Architecture is a brand new path for me, what can i say is, i will try my very best to archieve my goal, no matter how hard the circumstances, so that worthy for its own and won't dissapoint parents' expectations.

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