Thursday, September 23, 2010


On monday, lecturer want us to go to jewish cemetery at jalan Zainal observe the monumen there.

Star of DavidThe Star of David also known as the Magen David or Shield of David expresses a spectrum of meanings from the spiritual to the practical. It seems to interlock two triangles forming a strong hexagonal structure. Some view the two opposing triangles politically: representing the unceasing conflict within and surrounding the Jewish nation. Others perceive it to represent the sacred union of opposite energies or Yin Yang.

(taken from

Jewish Symbols on Grave Monuments ..

Blessing With the Hands: Hands held in benediction are the symbol of the Cohens, members of the priestly family of the tribe of Levi. This symbol indicates that deceased’ decedent was kohein (Kohen), because this hand position is used when the kohanim would bless the congregation at certain times. The kohein is a descendant of Aaron, and of ancient priestly class, and charged with performing various rites in the Temple. This symbol does not make the deceased a Rabbi. (taken from

After that, we all go for tea break!! yohoo...
So, we had been asked to design our own monumen. So, this is the sketching of my monumen. From the drawing, inside consists of 4 persons , playing different instrument respectively. There are saxophone, guitar, bagpipe and piano. I'm playing those instruments and hope that one day i can master my instruments.With this monumen, people in future can remember me as a well- known musician.
Finally, i put some colour in.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Looking Forward...

End of the world is coming... true?
Prophecies and predictions could come from any sources: spiritual, religious, scientific, politicial, economic, medical, astrological...etc....
So many theories can be used to explain. it year 2012 will be the end? everyone and everything in this world will be destroyed and turn into dust?It is still a question mark.
We will never know what will going to happen tomorrow? in future some more??
All of this, just the calculations and assumptions made by scientists.
It may be may be wrong also...

Anyway, for the sake of living, we need to prepare and ready for that,which is better than sitting there doing nothing at all.Survival kit is needed to keep yourself, your family alive in the disaster period. What i can contribute to the society is to enchance the survival tools inside the PONDOK and IBU, providing higher surviving chances. Besides, I should find a safer place( such as undergroud or a cave)with some essential equipment inside.

We should stand by few methods to keep us alive as we don't know how the world going to end? or what kind of disaster we face at the end of the world? If it ended by flooding, PONDOK and IBU will be useful enough. Beside flooding,there could be other possibilites which we don't know.

Honestly speaking, in my opinion, if God really want to end this world one day, no matter how far you escape or how well you protect yourself, all will be useless anyway..How humans fight with God anyway?? Therefore, me as a christian, what can i do now, is praying to God ,asking mercy from Him, and ask for forgiveness for what we had done wrongly.. I do hope 2012 will not be the last year ever..

Looking Back..

3rd July 2010..i took my step into USM Penang!
Time had passed so fast. It was 3 months time in USM.
I did learned and experienced a lot here.
Of cause, making new friends from different places is inevitable. Honestly speaking, you can't survive alone in university.Teamwork is required! Teamwork is emphasized in group assignments, or even individual assignments also..Without a lending hand from friends, is hard, exhausting and feel toilsome to work alone.
First day lecture, we had been teached what was intension, act, product,actors , place and principle. We need to apply this six elements in our daily lifes, no matter what we are doing.

The 1st thing i learned here was to create a blog.The purpose of the blog is to represent myself, not just only for the assigments, but also reveal my thinking,ideas, cogitation,and opinion about something.Through blog, we actually can learn from the mistakes in previous assignments, then develop and improve to do better in next assignment.Thus ,our first assignment was ' Me, My thought and I'.

So many assignments had been done until nw...
therefore, i will just highlight some of it.

First and foremost,
Geodesic Dome!
At first, i really think is impossible to do that because i never done this kind of craft before in my life. i fail for few times to get the base done.. Then, i start to think and figure out the problems... then through searching in internet..finally i hav a solution!
Sometimes, we just need to be patient , don't give up so easily...
anyway,although is not the best among others,I'm still proud of my work!


I find this is memorable as it is the first time i made my own precussion instrument.
Again, friendship is emphisized. Imaging how are you going to chop the bamboo alone? carrying the bamboo alone? recording the sound? taking photos? impossible...
Sometime just cant work alone...

Besides, making mask was another interesting assignment.

Is really difficult to do this alone especially to fix the shape by using the clay. So, helping each other is vital, not just can finish on time, but can build out a better relationship with friends.

Oh my...Gosh!! casket? why casket??

For chinese, talking about casket is something not good or bring us the bad luck. At that moment, i felt so weird to do this.What kind of assignment is this?is it related to architecture? not at all..Now, when i look back, it give me another kind of thinking.The main point is not the casket, is how i think about it.The lecturer actually want us to express our ideas and designs, no matter what , not just focus on building,but everything surrounded us, even a casket.

Merdeka theaterette :
This event was so meaningful and significant. Combination of ideas and opinions had made our group to be chosen and performed during merdeka event , held at Penang Time Square. I realise that is good to have discussion with group members as different people, got thier own individual and unique ideas. Besides, Cooperations,Contributions and efforts from everyone are so essential to succeed a task given.

I had done so many drawings for assignments.Through this drawing exercises, it really helps me to practise my drawing skill.Aside from this, we also been trained to finish our works in short duration. It will be very useful in future. There are so many thins i have to learn and explore myself.Life in university is different from secondary school. Right now, i should become more mature and independent. So many things are waiting for me to descover. Although architecture is not the course i want actually, now i can't change anything, i just learn to accept the fact. I acceot what had been given to me. Architecture is a brand new path for me, what can i say is, i will try my very best to archieve my goal, no matter how hard the circumstances, so that worthy for its own and won't dissapoint parents' expectations.

Monday, September 6, 2010

6A:Survival Kit

We had been asked to design a survival kit and need to bring it to go on to the IBU.
The inventions i used to design my survival kit are:
A) A innovative Agro-Based Ingredient: Pumpkin Flour as a New Generation Source of Fibre and Natural Colourant In Bakery Product,Bread.-2007
B)Intelligent Air Pollution Warning System-2006
C)Ultraviolet radiation-2005
D) Fire Buster- A Novel Automatic Fire Detection System-2007
E)Air injection nozzle for solid-liquid separation using dissolved air flotation process-2006

Dissolved air flotation(DAF)
DAF is used to separate solid from the body of liquid for water and waste water clarification.It could treat more water as compared to conventional sedimentation.Dissolved air flotation is generally considered more effective than sedimentation in the treatment of alga rich water.
However, the type and dose of coagulate as well as DAF operating condition is a key to remove cyanobacterial cells.
taken from

For your information, this cells is identitied worldwide,posing a significant risk to water supplies. Toxins can occur within the cells or be released from cells into the water.
DAF is used for portable water treatment, remove the particles in the raw water so that the turbidity can be reduced to an acceptable limit for drinking purpose.
DAF is a process for separating and removing suspended solids from liquid bases on changes in the solubility of gas as pressure varies.
The air pressure is released and combined with the liquid which becomes super satured with micron-sized air bulles. As the suspended materials attach to the micron-sized air bubbles, it will produce a lower specific gravity for the agglomerate to less than that of water, and float on the surface, forming a layer of sludge, is then removed by skimmers.Heavy solids settle to the bottom of the tank and to be removed.

Pumpkin Flour
Well, pumpkin flour is a good source of dietary fibres, resistant starch and natural colourant.
Advantage of using pumpkin flour as compared to normal flour is that it has a longer shelf life.
Bread made from this flour provides protein,starch and fibres.It also contain carotenoids which playing the same role as pro vitamin A and act as antioxidant. It may reduce the risk of developing certain type of cancer and reduce blood glucose level.Starch inside the bread,after the digestion in our stomach, enzymes will convert the starch into different types of glucose which will be absorbed by our bodies to provide enough energy to perform daily activites.
Inside my survival kit, it has machines to carry on slicing, drying process..etc..

Fire Buster
Fire buster is an automatic fire detection system intergrated into surveillance camera system. It can analyse images ,that enables detection of a developing fire within short time, immediate alert the building's occupants for emergency evacuation, helping to ensure safety and minimize the loss of the properties.

Detection of UV- Radiation
The detector is used to measure the radiation reaching to earth surface. Morever, it also provide datas and informations on the radiation level and also provide feedback on harmful effects of uv radiation.When the level is high, IBU can immediately inform the pondoks so that all the people will protect themselves from exposed to the UV ray.

Intelligent Air pollution warning system
It is used to detect particulates air pollution in the environment and the classifies it within minutes.It also help to ensure the continuing safety of environmental air for living creature.
This system is needed because air pollution is deteriorating, the quality of air is getting worse.
This system can help to alert other pondok to prevent long exposure to the polluted air.

This three systems are connected to the computer by using Bluetooth.

My progression:

This is the design of my survival kit

This shows that how my survival kit works

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Merdeka Event

Having rehearsel around 10 am, guided by WAN B..
around 4pm.. we moved to Penang Time Square..