Friday, July 30, 2010

Project 2C: The 101 Mask ( Topeng 101)

On Monday, 26/07/2010.. New assignment ..we had asked to produce TWO PAPIER MACHE MASKS.

The first mask -Own Full face and same skin colour.
The second mask-In black and white, and with emotion.

So, the first thing i did was to find my friends to did this project together. After discussion, we had decided to use clay to make our masks.After the class, we straight go to DURIEMAS to buy our materials.

This is the tools that we use to make our masks.We bought some materials too such as clay,colour spray, white glue , some BUNCHO water colour, etc....
We use this colourful tools to create the shape, outline and cut the clay into the sizes that we wanted.
The main material is CLAY.There are many type of clays sold in the shop, and this was the clay that we choose.
So, let start!! first, soften the clay 1st.. and dont let it expose to air for too long as it will become dry and harden.
After that, we need to cover the face with the clay 1st, layer by layer ,to get the real shape of the face.
The clay will take 1 hour plus to dry .To shorten the time required, we used a mini fan to dry the clay to save the time.
After the first mask, we need to do another mask and the step to do that was repeated. We leave the mask overnight to let it dry and hard completely .
After the mask dried, put the tissues on, layer by layer,together with the white gum. After that, we need to wait the mask to dry again then we can start colouring it.This apply to the second mask also.
This is my 1st mask. althought the colour is not same as mine, i try my best to colour it as same as possible with my own skin's colour.Basically, the colour i use is the combination of pale orange and dark brown .

I also make some detials on the cheek , nose,eyes and mouth with some lines.
I know it looks like a monkey,hahaha... but this is the best that i can do.

After done my 1st mask, now is second mask turn..
After the second mask dried, i spray the mask with black colour outside the window

After the black spray dried, i use white colour to draw and decorate my mask.The picture shown at here is to remember where i come from. I apply some of the Sarawak decorative pattern to my second mask.

This is my second mask!

Finally, i finish my masks.. and will submit on 30/7/2010...

Is really hard to do this alone.. especially to fix the shape by using the clay...
so,we need to help each other.. not just can finish in time, but can also build out a good relationship with our friends.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2B Man -Made Structure BST In GETTHO

On 26/07/2010, our group ( group is orientation GETTHO) performed a sketch .We had to use our BST to produce sounds.Here eveyone can listen to it...

This was the video taken after the performance... the rhythm was quite nice..

This is the sound i made by using my bamboo instrument.. Basically, it is a combination of two different sounds.

After we made our bamboo sound tool, we try to play it .

2B Man -Made Structure BST In GETTHO

On Friday (23/07/2010), our new assignment is to make a musical instrument from bamboo, called Bamboo Sound Tool ( B.S.T) . So ,three of us ( me, Chong, and Mac) planned to do this together.

Mac and Chong were choosing the suitable bamboo to be used to make our instruments.We take around one hour plus to produce our own instruments.After that, we took a group photo together with our BST also.

I also put on some decoration on my BST.

My A2 BOARD...

Inside, i need to sketch our BST. then ,i need to write the description around 100 words about my BST. So, basically, my BST is belonging to percussion group instrument. My BST will produce two sounds, "dum" and "kak" .

Besides, pictures of the BST and group photo need to be pasted inside the board also.

ESQUISSE: Bamboo Sense

On last friday (23/07/2010),Mr Rusli Jamaluddin asked us to survey and make analysis on the pictures given ( is a rattan basket). We need to study the images and write down the "sense words" which included what i see, what i heard, and what i smelled. By using, we need to post our sense words on our own blog.

Thus, this was all the words that came through my mind during the analysis process.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Project 2A

We are asigned to study by sketches, bout the bamboo structure.
In total we need to draw 6 pictures on the A2 board .From the 1st until the 5th one, we need to do in black adn white sketches, jz the last one, we need to put on colour.Besides, we also need to write captions that tell a story. Moreover, we need to think a logo for ourself too.
We need to submit the work on friday,23th JULY 2010.
My story is about a elf who saw the damaged bamboo cluster and he try to save the poor bamboo by put some magic on to let the bamboos re-grow again.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today our assignment is 2A: NATURAL STRUCTURE/STRUKTUR ALAM.
In the afternoon 2:00pm, we went to Taman Rekreasi Universiti . At first, we need to draw picture that asked by lecturer in time given. Total pictures we drew are 15. Then, we moved in group of 6, and went to explore site to find bamboo cluster.

Here have some pictures taken in the jungle.

This is my sketching.
From Recently Updated
Ini merupakan projek 1B, dengan tajuknya" Me, My Thoughts & I" yang diberikan pada 16/7/2010. Isu yang ditunjukkan adalah berkaitan dengan 'PONDOK' (PolarShift and Other Natural Disaster Organization Kit). Tugasan yang diberi adalah membaca INVENTION yang diberikan masing-masing dan mengaplikasikan idea daripada invention ke dalam struktur PONDOK. Invention yang perlu saya analisis adalah I2 SCREEN,( an Intelligent Imagery SearCh and REtrieval ENgine)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is my latest drawing. This is Taj Mahal building, actually is a mausoleum, located in India, built by famous architecture, Mughal. I like this building because it combines elements from indian and islamic.. very interesting indeed.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What I heard

Pada hari 12/07/2010,Kuliah yang pertama telah diadakan di Pusat Pengajian HBP, E48 B. Lecturer Wan Burhanuddin bin Wan Abidin ,selaku seorang studiomaster ,bermula kuliah dengan membuat perkenalan 'APEX' kepada para pelajar HBP.Selepas itu, beliau meneruskan dengan menjelaskan konsep APEX 'Production'. Berdasarkan beliau, yang penting sekali iaitu mahasiswa dan mahasiswi pelajar Universiti Sains Malaysia perlu mempunyai niat dan keinginan untuk blajar dan sentiasa bersedia untuk membuat pengajian. Beliau juga memberitahu bahawa pembelajaran merupakan proses perjalanan yang panjang, tanpa mengambil kira usia seseorang( is a life long programme). Kita perlu sentiasa belajar supaya memperolehi ilmu pengetahuan dari pelbagai aspek .Tanpa ilmu, kita akan dianggap sebagai katak di bawah tempurung.
Mempunyai niat masih tidak cukup,kita perlu menjalankan, melaksanakan apa yang diniatkan dahulu.Dengan gabungan niat dan aksi, barulah dapat menghasilkan produk yang berguna dan berjaya. Menurut beliau, niat adalah berasal daripada seorang aktor.Semasa aktor bertindak dan melaksanakan niatnya, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa beberapa prinsip tertentu perlu diamalkan. Produk yang dihasilkan mesti mempunyai nilainya dan akan dipromosikan, serta digunakan pada masa yang akan datang.
Selepas pengenalan konsep APEX 'Production', beliau meneruskan kuliah dengan memperkenalkan Prinsip APEX. Secara ringkasnya, Prinsip APEX ini terdiri daripada 3p, iaitu orang( people) ,prinsip( principle) ,dan tempat( place). Beliau telah menggunakan permainan bola sepak sebagai contoh untuk menjelaskan Prinsip 3P ini.
Selanjutnya, Lecturer Wan Burhanuddin telah menjemput semua studiomaster untuk menberi sebarangan nasihat dan galakkan kepada para pelajar.Mereka telah mengalu -ngalukan kedatangan kita dan mengucapkan tahniah kerana berjaya dipilih memasuki University APEX ini. Para studiomaster menuntut kita supaya belajar dengan rajin, terutamanya perlu menghantar kerja kursus pada masa yang ditetapkan dan jangan ponteng kelas juga.
Akhir sekali,,Lecturer Wan Burhanuddin telah memberi kerja kursus kepada kita, yang bertajuk' what i heard'.Beliau telah memberikan address kepada kita sebagai rujukan. Jadi, itulah sahaja daripada Kuliah ini.